Stephanie DeVlieger

Stephanie DeVlieger's Fundraiser

We are RAISING OUR VOICES for Lake Superior Youth Chorus! image

We are RAISING OUR VOICES for Lake Superior Youth Chorus!

Together we can keep LSYC programming accessible for all!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$425 towards $500

Join us in supporting Lake Superior Youth Chorus so they can continue their mission of cultivating an active and inclusive community of young choral artists, centered on a holistic music education.

Even a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Lake Superior Youth Chorus.

  1. WATCH a music video of LSYC's "I Sing of the Northland"
  2. LISTEN to music from past LSYC performances
  3. LEARN more about Lake Superior Youth Chorus